| 丁柯雅
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联系方式 keya@shnu.edu.cn
| 研究领域 ______________________________________________________________ 1. 儿童大脑发展,包括正常发育儿童和留守儿童认知、情绪、社会的发展。(脑是我们身体最重要的器官,必须关注) 2. 孤独症谱系障碍等特殊儿童的认知和社会发展。 (做科研的初心) 3. 幼儿数字成瘾神经机制及干预研究。(刚刚开展)
参与国家自然科学基金2项: 1. 数字成瘾影响幼儿执行功能的行为与脑机制研究 (在研,主要研究者) 2. 基于多脑交互的孤独症谱系障碍儿童社会功能评估方法 (在研,参与)
主持3项校级课题: 1. 数字成瘾幼儿执行功能的神经机制研究(在研) 2. 基于近红外技术的留守儿童执行功能神经机制研究(在研) 3. 幼儿数字成瘾的影响因素及干预机制研究(在研)
以第一作者发表国际论文10余篇,担任《Cerebral Cortex》《Developmental Psychobiology》 《Early Education and Development》等国际期刊审稿人。
近三年代表性著作 ______________________________________________________________ Ding, K., Wang, H., Li, C., & Li, H. (2023). Decreased frontal lobe complexity in left-behind children during joint attention: a fNIRS study with multivariable and multiscale sample entropy analysis. Cerebral Cortex, 33(21), 10949-10958. (SCI, JCR Q2) Ding, K., Li, C., Li, Y., & Li, H. (2023). Partner’s emotions are associated with preschoolers’ prefrontal activation under joint attention: An fNIRS evidence. Psychophysiology, 60(12), e14398. (SSCI, JCR Q1) Ding, K., Wang, H., Wang, Q., Li, H., & Li, C. (2023). Inhibitory control associated with the neural mechanism of joint attention in preschoolers: An fNIRS evidence. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 192, 53-61. (SSCI, JCR Q2) Ding, K., Shen, Y., Liu, Q., & Li, H. (2023). The Effects of Digital Addiction on Brain Function and Structure of Children and Adolescents: A Scoping Review. Healthcare,12, 1, 15. (SSCI, JCR Q2) Ding, K., Wang, H., & Yu, D. (2021). Decreased right prefrontal synchronization strength and asymmetry during joint attention in the left-behind children: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Frontiers in Physiology, 12, 759788. (SCI, JCR Q2)
开设课程 ______________________________________________________________ 《教育心理学》(本科必修课) 《学前认知神经科学》(研究生选修课,理论+实操) |